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- Ayla, children’s book series -

Anyone acquainted with me knows that I’ve been drawing since I was a little kid. Art was and still is my sanctuary. What's not as widely known is that I've been writing since the age of 14. Now, nearly 23 years later, after bringing so many client dreams to life, I've decided to build my own. I proudly present my first book, written and illustrated from cover to cover by me.

Aya illustrated children's book
Aya illustrated children's book
Aya illustrated children's book
Aya illustrated children's book
Aya illustrated children's book
Aya illustrated children's book
Aya illustrated children's book
Aya illustrated children's book

“Ayla and the secret dwellers of saint Barbara mine” children’s book explores South Slavic mythology, specifically the ancient mythology of Croatia, my home country. Set in the contemporary world and real locations of my homeland, it incorporates deeply personal elements. The initial edition has been sold, and I am currently working on a new updated edition, including an English version and other localizations.

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